When typing: Why Chinese___ in Google, the first thing that pops up is Why Chinese drink hot water. Similarly, when thinking about how modern Chinese take care of themselves, the first thing comes to mind is to drink hot water. It is the ultimate cure to every single minor ailment and pain: Stomachache? Drink more hot water. Dizzy? Drink more hot water. Caught a cold? Drink more hot water... ... Why? Why do we love love drinking hot water? Hoping to answer such questions here comes our new issue
For the new issue, we collaborated with three of our artist friends. ​Devil Bubble Tea V.S. Angel Bubble Tea by New York based 3D artist Jacob Jesse Perez, Chiropractic by Chinese Photographer LB3, and a dreamy universe drawn by New York artist Shuhua Xiong.
Part 1
The ancients regarded “Chi” as the origin of all things in the universe, and all their energy comes from the movement and change of Chi.
Part 2
The second part showcases several common Chinese health care methods, talked about the history of Chinese drinking hot water, and also a visual story about chiropractic.
Part 3
​The third part is about youth wellness culture, supplements, poop problems, social anxiety...